Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mean Girls

Suck. Seriously, sometimes I loathe the fact that I am female. And that I had a daughter who is female. Because girls suck. Mean girls suck even more. Today's post is not going to be about womanly comradeship, it's gonna be about middle school girls who are awful.

My daughter has a friend who is pretty manipulative and always manages to get my daughter feeling bad about calling this girl on her lies and crap like that. So, today is the beginning of Plan B. I told her there's no rule that says she has to be best friends with this girl forever. That there are, in fact, a whole world full of girls out there to be friends with. Many of whom are not little snotty punks who take pleasure in being mean.

Now, I'm not for a second thinking that my daughter is 100% innocent--I know how girls are. But I also know she is not good at defending herself and is too kind for her own good sometimes. She and I know this girl comes from a messed up home situation. She thinks being a good friend means taking all the crap from this girl. Nuh-uh.

So, back to Plan B....she has a friend from ballet who is really wonderful. I'm encouraging more time spent with this girl and a few others who manage to stay out of the drama and focus on the things that are more important and fulfilling--dance, school, having fun without worrying that the next day at school will bring some kind of twisted argument.

Please wish us luck.

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