Thursday, March 01, 2007

To sleeve or not to sleeve.

I can't decide. I keep picking this up, start some sleeves and then putting it back down.

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I think I'll make some matching pants and see how I feel after that. This is some lovely vintage Shetland wool yarn I picked up at an estate sale. I am in love with the color--a heather pink/gray and wish I had much more of this yarn to play with.

The Valentine's sweater for Dh is done, but in a holding pattern until he decides if he likes the collar or not--now the stinker is leaning towards a V-neck. If he changes his mind and wants the V-Neck, I may need to pull out the scissors and so some cutting rather than ripping back.

I've been reading Elizabeth Zimmermann and she'll give me the courage if necessary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I vote for sleeves! Maybe 3/4 ones for spring? It's really cute.