Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Valentine's Sweater

...Is not done. Chances are good I could complete it tonight. I chugged some coffee so I could stay awake tonight and have some "alone time". I need to decompress from a few very busy days. Plus, Anthony is off of school tomorrow, so I get to (hopefully!!) sleep in until 7:00 or 7:30. His class at school today performed a wonderful play and my little man had quite the role! His expression of emotion was pretty excellent for a six year old. I think he could be a Jim Carrey in the making.

Valentine's evening was pretty good. The hubby and I hit the mall for a bit and I found some bargains that made me happy! (New shoes, skirt and top!) I have decided I don't wear enough skirts. Then, we went to see Music and Lyrics

No, Dh didn't want to go, but he ended up enjoying himself and I loved it! Both Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore were great in this part satire/part romantic comedy.

I'm off to knit and snuggle under a down throw while watching a video.

1 comment:

Tif Johnson said...

I really want to see that movie...Greg doesn't want to see it either, but I may drag him just the same.

I can't wait to see the sweater in its splendor!