Sunday, June 29, 2008

There are the humbling moments in our lives that make us stop and think about who we are, what we are doing, where we are going. Yesterday was one of those moments.

My sweet great-Grandma Katie (Actually she's my step-great-Grandma but my stepmother's family has always been so wonderful to me that I dropped the step's a long time ago.) passed away early this year. Yesterday was her memorial service. She was 106 years old and lived her whole life as a kind, generous, positive ray of light. She was fascinating and to think of the things she lived through...

WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, the Gulf War, the Iraq War.
Theodore Roosevelt was President when she was born.
The first car.
The roaring twenties.
The Great Depression.

And so much more. It was wonderful to listen to her family members stand and describe what she meant to them. Her revered described her as a perfect example of someone who doesn't grow older and bitter. She relished each day.

Thank you, Grandma Katie. It was privilege to have known you.

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