Vacation is here--with a vengeance!
The weather has been so kooky here. I can't recall getting this much rain in quite a long time. Maybe back in 1993 when the Mississippi flooded. Anyway, the rain and the tornado warnings have been in abundance lately, but I did manage to use my new clothesline on Saturday! Hubby was kind enough to install a new one for me after the dog broke my last one. The weather was perfect for hanging clothes on the line--sunny, warm and breezy. Four loads dried in record time.
On the work front, I have been slower than usual because the kiddos keep me running, running until I'm so tired at night I can't stay up and work. I have managed to get some things finished lately, though.
I have some "Chloe" sock yarn instock at
Necessitae. I also stocked some "Hot Mango" on 2 ply targhee, but that has sold already.
I finished this zipped jacket the other day. The yarn is Full Belly Farm dyed by Morwenna at
Mosaic Moon in her Blue Goblin colorway. It's such an amazing colorway, I loved knitting this up.
Up next are two skeins of self-striping cashmere/merino blend sock yarn. Are you drooling yet? This is for a charity event called True Colors. Dyers are given a set of colors to dye and we each create an item in that colorway and the proceeds are donated to a charity of our choice. It's such an amazing idea and I am thrilled to be participating!
The charity event starts on June 19th, my auction is
HERE. There are other lovely yarns and other dyed items, so please go and see if you can find something to bid on.
Next up, I have a dress I knit that is going up for auction tomorrow. The talented Christy over at
Fussybutt has created a pair of sweet pink wool bloomers to match this dress. Here's the
AUCTION LINK. Go bid! :)
Lastly, I leave you with a picture of some goodies I found waiting in the garden during a brief respite from the rain. Garlic scapes!!! We have them once a year and are they ever a treat.
Take care, and stay dry, please!