Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This is sleazy...even for Republicans

I got a phone call this morning from a Deborah Cochran from Senator Tom Reynolds' office. I won a congressional award and they need to send me a press packet.

Instead of being thrilled, I was instantly suspicious and Googled the good Senator and looked up his phone numer. It didn't match the number I was given: 866-338-8289. So, I Googled the number and found this.

Can I just say how pissed I am at the underhanded way this is handled? How I am writing a letter to the editor of my newspaper today about this? Tsk tsk.


mom2pittcrew said...

DUDE! I can't believe that!!! But then... I can.

Tif Johnson said...


Cristina said...

Ditto what the first commenter said. And hell, what the second one said too. Ew!